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Showing posts from September, 2018
After the thing you dreaded the most came to pass, tell me, are you still alive? People, things and feelings; aren’t these the three things this world revolves around, our world? Our whole lives? When you think about it these three words hold in themselves our whole entire world. People we love, people we would die for and do anything just to keep them around. Things we cherish, things we can’t imagine living without and would work our guts out just to own. Feelings, be it faith or be it anything else good or bad, we would do anything for just to stay sane. All of this in one person’s head and in his life, just so he can live?! Because at the end of the day isn’t this all we live for? Isn’t this what gives us purpose, our lives meaning? What are we really if we have no purpose… After all this is said and done losing , even, one part of this small yet complex puzzle can wreak havoc on your whole universe. What happens then? The biggest question of all: Are you still brea