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On a more positive note...

“Be self sufficient”. How many times have we heard this? How often have we said this to ourselves? I know the answer as I am sure you know it too.

What does self sufficiency mean? What exactly does this word encompass? If you think it only means you being able to provide for yourself, then you, my friend, are utterly wrong.

               There are moments in all of our lives when we are completely alone and all on our own. This happens just about every day. Late at night when you are with your thoughts alone. There's no place in your head where you can hide from them. No amount of loud music can ever dull the voices in your head! Sounds kind of insane, doesn't it? Well, aren't we all?
           It's moments like these in which you need to be self sufficient: mentally, emotionally and spiritually self sufficient. You need to learn how to be alone and to be happy in that solitude. To be so content in your own company that no matter what your mind says to you during that time, you can move past it and still have a smile on your face.
         It's a life long journey, this self love. Not to mention that it's also a constant struggle but in no way is it impossible. Be a little more human to yourself like you wish others to be to you. Be a little more kind while talking to yourself as you would want others to talk to you. Most importantly give yourself time to breathe, time to heal and time to move on from everything big or small because at the end of the day you only have yourself and that “self” of yours should be strong enough to lift you up in your darkest hours.

You are enough for you!!!
