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Review of "Ask Him Why" by "Catherine Ryan Hyde"

“You can heal your own self first, but most people never do. Maybe because you have to start by admitting you’re broken.”---Ask Him Why by Catherine Ryan Hyde

If the quote above, from this book, doesn't make you want to read this book, I don’t know what will.

It’s an emotional ride, a heart touching story and an ending that will make you cry.

This is one of my absolute favorite books of all time. It’s the story that will have you hooked right from the beginning.

One of the storylines I always love reading about is the relationship between siblings. This book gives such a unique perspective of that and a deeper more intimate look into the bonds that make us a family.

The other most valuable lesson this book teaches us is to never judge and assume. There are things going on in people’s lives that we have no idea about. No matter how close you think you are to someone, one mistake by them and it’s all gone. At least that’s what we think, and almost always that’s the wrong conjecture. So take a little time. Listen closely, talk less and hear more of what people have to say. Always give someone the chance to explain themselves and always give them the benefit of the doubt. At the end of the day we have all done things we base on reasons we consider are morally correct. Just a conversation is all it takes to explain your side and fix something before it ever has a chance to break.

This was my first ever book by this author and it had me in tears! Such relatable 
characters that I was actually sad when the book ended! 

In short, I loved the family values that it taught. Just goes to show how everyone has it hard and not just you. Definitely recommend it to everyone.

See my rating at:


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