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Review of "Six of Crows" by "Leigh Bardugo"

Is there a higher rating than 5 stars??!! As this book sure as heck deserves it!!!

No, seriously? Where and how??!!
Definitely one of the best series I have ever read (other than "Harry Potter" and "Mercy Thompson Series").
Have you ever read a book in which, literally, half way through you are like, “Yes, yes I am definitely reading this again at least a gazillion times!” Rarely does that ever happen to me but it did with this book!!!!
and that too with an EVIL CHARACTER.

The synopsis at the back of this book really throws you off as in this story is so much more and beyond what the little description says and that's just incredible!


I loved all the characters! Literally all of them! I loved how we got to see them being teenagers and adults at the same time. I genuinely empathized with both their good and bad sides!

Needless to say Kaz, Nina and Jesper were my absolute favorite! DUH!
I loved their bond of friendship, love and sometimes nothing more than just humanity!
This book tends to get very dark at times so do keep that in mind when you read it. There is quite a bit of gory details at times and more than a few tear jerker moments (esp. Kaz's story)
I loved how the writer incorporated their back stories into the present timeline without ever making it boring! That’s an absolutely genius technique and should be used more often.
In a nutshell, I am a part of this fandom now! I am already reading it again as I am done with the second book in the series as well. (Review of that coming soon.)
If you are a fantasy/adventure lover like me, do give this a read! Actually, you know what; if you like reading at all you have got to read this one for sure! You can thank me later.


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