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Showing posts from August, 2018

Review of "One of Us Is Lying" by "Karen M. McManus"

“Things will get worse before they get better.”   -Karen M. McManus in “One of Us Is Lying. This book in no way did! It just kept getting worse by the page but I am getting ahead of myself here. Let’s start from the beginning.  My rating for this book: 3 stars out of 5.       Okay fine! That's a generous rating because I am too kind a person. No, honestly I am! You’ll realize that once you read this book.  I do really recommend reading this book as it is one of the most popular YA/Mystery reads of 2017. Don’t believe me? Check out it’s ratings and reviews on Goodreads.       I did enjoy everything leading up to the horrible ending so I couldn't help but give it 3 stars. The story itself is in no way boring but it’s definitely not a page turner either. The characters were relatable only if you are a teenager attending high school. Since I have been there and done all of that I really did not want to re live that. Who does? High school years are hard.       It felt like a

On a more positive note...

“Be self sufficient”. How many times have we heard this? How often have we said this to ourselves? I know the answer as I am sure you know it too. What does self sufficiency mean? What exactly does this word encompass? If you think it only means you being able to provide for yourself, then you, my friend, are utterly wrong.                There are moments in all of our lives when we are completely alone and all on our own. This happens just about every day. Late at night when you are with your thoughts alone. There's no place in your head where you can hide from them. No amount of loud music can ever dull the voices in your head! Sounds kind of insane, doesn't it? Well, aren't we all?            It's moments like these in which you need to be self sufficient: mentally, emotionally and spiritually self sufficient. You need to learn how to be alone and to be happy in that solitude. To be so content in your own company that no matter what your mind says to you duri

Review of "Ask Him Why" by "Catherine Ryan Hyde"

“You can heal your own self first, but most people never do. Maybe because you have to start by admitting you’re broken.”--- Ask Him Why   by   Catherine Ryan Hyde If the quote above, from this book, doesn't make you want to read this book, I don’t know what will. It’s an emotional ride, a heart touching story and an ending that will make you cry. This is one of my absolute favorite books of all time. It’s the story that will have you hooked right from the beginning. One of the storylines I always love reading about is the relationship between siblings. This book gives such a unique perspective of that and a deeper more intimate look into the bonds that make us a family. The other most valuable lesson this book teaches us is to never judge and assume. There are things going on in people’s lives that we have no idea about. No matter how close you think you are to someone, one mistake by them and it’s all gone. At least that’s what we think, and almost always that’s t

Review of "Six of Crows" by "Leigh Bardugo"

Is there a higher rating than 5 stars??!! As this book sure as heck deserves it!!! WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?!!!! No, seriously? Where and how??!! WOW!!!!  Definitely one of the best series I have ever read (other than "Harry Potter" and "Mercy Thompson Series"). Have you ever read a book in which, literally, half way through you are like, “Yes, yes I am definitely reading this again at least a gazillion times!” Rarely does that ever happen to me but it did with this book!!!! I AM IN LOVE…. and that too with an EVIL CHARACTER. The synopsis at the back of this book really throws you off as in this story is so much more and beyond what the little description says and that's just incredible! *SPOILERS AHEAD* I loved all the characters! Literally all of them! I loved how we got to see them being teenagers and adults at the same time. I genuinely empathized with both their good and bad sides! Needless to say Kaz, Nina and Jesper were my absolute favor